Gtk Lo Gafet - Features

This page gives an overview of how Lo Gafet is used to build user interfaces.
It includes screenshots of the main
Lo Gafet windows.

This is the main Lo Gafet window. It lists all of the windows and dialogs making up your project.
Clicking on an item in the list shows the corresponding window, dialog, menu or bitmap.

Menu and toolbar commands enable you to create new projects, load and save them,
and generate the source code.


Note that the main Lo Gafet Window can display a tree of not only modules,
but also: Wigets, Callbacks and Styles.


The second most important window in Lo Gafet is the widget palette. It shows icons representing all of the widgets that are available.

To add new windows, dialogs, menu or bitmap to your project, simply use the Module menu item from the main Lo Gafet project window.

To add widgets to a window or dialog, select the widget in the palette, and then click on the position you want to add it.


The third Lo Gafet window is the properties editor. This allows you to alter the properties of widgets, such as the widget size or the label text.

Note that properties of the widgets are displayed following the Widget hierarchy.

The callbacks menus also allow you to add callbacks (normal, raw, hotkey or balloon) to widgets, so you can, for example, specify the function to be called when a button is clicked.


If you add a menu bar or simply a popup menu to your application, you can use this dialog to add the menus and set accelerator keys and callbacks.

Each item (Menu label or Submenu can be fully customized (color, callbacks, etc.), all resources are available for theses widgets and can be edited using the Properties window. Logo